Galaxy Tab



Memori Flash adalah non-volatile penyimpanan komputer chip yang dapat dihapus dan diprogram ulang secara elektrik. Hal ini terutama digunakan dalam kartu memory, drive flash USB , pemutar MP3 dan solid-state drive untuk penyimpanan umum dan transfer data antara komputer dan produk digital lainnya.
Flash Memory Galaxy Tab 512 MB: Tampilan: 1024 Ã-600 px (aspek rasio 10:06 Samsung Galaxy Tab adalah ponsel berbasis Android dan internal flash penyimpanan 16 GB atau 32 GB bisa S Galaxy dilengkapi dengan dukungan untuk banyak multimedia format file, termasuk audio Ini termasuk 16 GB memori flash internal, tetapi Galaxy smartphone S dan Tab Galaxy historis, memori telah disebut memori utama, penyimpanan nyata atau Daftar memori internal format file, Flash memori; media Removable; Spindle (komputer ) Solid-state drive
Android tidak dapat menyalin ke file explorer memori internal, memindahkan file android, android memindahkan file ke memori internal, menyalin file ke memori internal android versi carrier dan rencana data untuk Tab Galaxy. Memori internal 2GB.
Captivate Samsung (SGH-I897) Ini termasuk 16 GB memori flash internal, tetapi kartu memori SD. Itu juga merupakan satu-satunya Galaxy S 5 alasan untuk menunggu Memory Galaxy Samsung S: 512 MB: Tampilan: 1024 data-hanya kartu SIM jika pengguna tidak memerlukan fitur panggilan ponsel tipe. Samsung Galaxy Tab hotspot hingga 5 perangkat. Samsung Galaxy dan kemampuan merekam video, kartu memori eksternal untuk menyinkronkan kontak dan data lainnya, mentransfer file, atau i907 (Epix) Â i997 (Infus 4G) Â i5500 (Galaxy 5)

Flash Galaxy Tab


9 alasan mengapa saya dumping iPad saya untuk Tab Galaxy 

1. Ukuran
Faktor bentuk 9,7 inci iPad .Itu karena jauh lebih kecil dan lebih tipis dibandingkan dengan tablet (convertible berbasis Windows dan papan tulis). Tapi itu masih belum cukup. Hanya saja agak terlalu besar untuk masuk ke tas kecil.. Tablet 7-inci. Tab's 7,48-oleh dimensi 4,74 inci (dibandingkan dengan 9,56 iPad Teman-by-7,47) membuatnya kira-kira setengah ukuran iPad. Dan itu berarti lebih mudah untuk memegang dan memanipulasi, lebih mudah untuk "tipe thumb" pada, dan lebih mudah untuk masuk ke sebuah tas kecil atau bahkan saku jaket yang besar.   
2. Berat
Pada 25,6 oz. (Sedikit lebih dari satu setengah pon), iPad tampak cahaya - terutama jika Anda membandingkannya dengan tablet gaya lama yang beratnya 3 sampai 4 pound. Namun, jika Anda memegang itu untuk jangka waktu yang moderat, Anda menemukan bahwa hal itu akan melelahkan. Ini terutama penting jika Anda menggunakan tablet Anda untuk membaca ebook. Dan membawa di sekitar menambah berat nyata, jika tidak memberatkan, untuk tas Anda.
Tab Galaxy beratnya di di 13,4 oz trim, kurang dari satu pon.. Perbedaan ini mungkin tidak kelihatan seperti banyak, tapi itu membuatnya menjadi jauh lebih mudah digunakan untuk waktu lama tanpa melelahkan dan membuatnya lebih mungkin bahwa saya akan membawanya serta pada saat-saat ketika aku tidak akan repot-repot untuk membawa iPad karena curah dan berat .
3. Penyimpanan diperluas
Salah satu keluhan terbesar saya tentang iPad adalah kurangnya slot memori flash untuk memungkinkan saya untuk menambah ruang penyimpanan yang lebih. Tentu saja, Apple tidak ingin saya membeli SD / microSD kartu dari salah satu dari banyak vendor - mereka ingin saya untuk membeli kapasitas yang lebih tinggi, iPad lebih mahal dari mereka. Jenis gouging terang-terangan adalah salah satu alasan aku benci memberikan semua uang saya ke Apple.
Tab Galaxy memiliki slot microSD yang secara resmi akan menerima kartu hingga 32 GB dalam kapasitas. Aku tidak tahu, tapi aku tidak akan terkejut jika kita dapat men-tweak untuk menggunakan kartu 64 GB ketika mereka menjadi tersedia, seperti kita bisa menggunakan 8 kartu GB dalam ponsel yang resmi hanya menerima kartu memori sampai 4 GB.
Hal lain yang bagus tentang Tab adalah bahwa slot kartu memori yang dapat diakses dengan mudah - tidak seperti pada telepon S Galaxy, di mana Anda harus menghapus kembali untuk mengganti kartu (meskipun saya memberikan kredit Samsung untuk tidak membuat Anda mengeluarkan baterai untuk mengubah kartu, seperti yang Anda lakukan dengan banyak ponsel saat ini). Pada Tab, slot ada di sisi perangkat dan Anda hanya membuka penutup kecil untuk mengaksesnya.
4. Pilihan operator 3G
IPad akhirnya datang ke Verizon Wireless - baik, semacam. Masalahnya adalah bahwa hal itu Wi-Fi versi saja, karena Apple tidak membuat iPad dengan built-in mendukung untuk CDMA / EVDO (teknologi yang digunakan oleh Verizon dan Sprint). Untuk menggunakannya dengan jaringan 3G Verizon, Anda harus membeli perangkat mereka MiFi hotspot ponsel dan kemudian terhubung iPad untuk yang melalui Wi-Fi. terbalik ini adalah bahwa Anda dapat menghubungkan hingga lima perangkat ke MiFi - tetapi ini berarti membawa sekitar komponen lain (meskipun kecil).
Tab Galaxy ini akan tersedia melalui semua operator selular besar dan akan memiliki kemampuan 3G built in, sehingga tidak ada perangkat tambahan untuk dibawa.
5. Bluetooth Better
IPad dilengkapi dengan dukungan Bluetooth 2.1, sedangkan Tab Galaxy memiliki Bluetooth 3.0. Versi kemudian mendukung kecepatan lebih cepat, hingga 24 megabit per detik. (Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR mendukung data rate sebesar 3 Mbps.)
6. Dua kamera
IPad tidak memiliki kamera apapun. Saya tidak begitu keberatan tidak memiliki kamera menghadap ke belakang, karena ponsel saya memiliki kamera dan jauh lebih cocok untuk mengambil foto. Holding besar hampir 10-inch iPad sampai snap gambar akan canggung pula. Tapi saya selalu berpikir faktor bentuk tablet akan pernah sempurna untuk video conferencing - jika hanya perangkat memiliki kamera menghadap ke depan.
Tab Galaxy memiliki dua kamera, 3.2 MP menghadap belakang dan 1,3 MP satu menghadap ke depan. Dan perangkat itu sendiri cukup kecil sehingga kamera belakang akan jauh lebih sedikit canggung untuk digunakan.
7. Flash
Steve Jobs telah menjelaskan bahwa ia membenci Adobe Flash dan tidak ingin pada iPhone atau iPad. Saya bukan penggemar berat dari Adobe sendiri, tapi ada situs web terlalu banyak di luar sana yang mengandalkan Flash, dan kurangnya dukungan untuk itu dapat membuat penjelajahan Web dengan iPad pengalaman frustrasi.
Tab Galaxy termasuk Flash Player 10.1, sehingga Anda bisa mengakses situs Flash-enabled. Ini melakukan hal-hal memperlambat sedikit, tapi itu jauh lebih baik daripada tidak dapat mengakses mereka sama sekali.
8. Swype
IPad terlalu besar untuk mengetik ibu jari, dan walaupun Anda dapat (semacam) menyentuh tipe di atasnya, yang mungkin mengakibatkan banyak kesalahan, dalam pengalaman saya. Itu membuat saya melakukan versi modifikasi dari sentuh mengetik, di mana saya harus melihat keyboard saat aku mengetik, dan memperlambat saya. Lebih buruk lagi, itu tidak nyaman untuk mencoba melakukannya untuk waktu yang lama. Jadi, saya menggunakan iPad untuk konsumsi tetapi cobalah untuk menghindari membuat isi teks di atasnya.
Tab, seperti telepon S Galaxy (dan ponsel Android lain saya sudah mencoba) datang dengan Swype. Ini adalah cara yang berbeda untuk memasukkan teks, dengan menggeser jari Anda dari tombol ke tombol, dan pada awalnya Anda tidak percaya itu benar-benar akan bekerja, tapi tidak. Saya pertama kali berkenalan dengan Swype ketika aku sampai saya Omnia II Windows Mobile phone, dan dalam waktu seminggu bisa memasukkan teks di lebih dari 50 wpm - pada ponsel! Aku bersumpah aku tidak akan pernah punya telepon lain yang tidak menggunakan Swype. Setelah Anda terbiasa dengan jarak yang lebih panjang jari Anda bepergian, Anda berfungsi dengan baik pada Tab, dan itu jauh lebih melelahkan daripada mengetik pada keyboard virtual.
9. Sebanding baterai
Satu hal yang saya benar-benar mencintai tentang iPad saya masa pakai baterai. Dibandingkan dengan hampir semua perangkat komputasi portabel lainnya (lain dari MP3 player sederhana), stamina yang luar biasa. Aku mudah mendapat hampir 10 jam pemakaian yang cukup berat dari itu, dan karena aku tidak biasanya menggunakannya yang banyak, aku bisa pergi minggu kadang-kadang antara tuduhan.
Ini adalah deal breaker pada sebagian besar tablet alternatif saya melihat. Banyak dari mereka terdengar besar - sampai Anda tiba di bagian yang berkata: Saya menginginkan sesuatu yang sebanding dengan iPad, yang setidaknya biarkan aku menggunakannya berat untuk satu hari kerja penuh tanpa mengisi ulang "Baterai 4 jam.". Tab Galaxy tidak cukup mengukur sampai iPad dalam hal ini - tapi itu cukup baik. Ini peringkat tujuh jam untuk pemutaran video, dan lebih lama untuk tugas-tugas yang kurang intensif. Bahwa tumpukan dengan baik terhadap iPad, dengan yang saya punya sekitar delapan jam saat streaming video terus-menerus.
Kelebihan lainnya adalah bahwa Anda dapat mengisi Tab dari port USB komputer Anda, walaupun Anda harus menggunakan kabel yang dilengkapi dengan perangkat untuk melakukannya sejak Sayangnya, Samsung menggunakan konektor berpemilik di sisi Tab's. Ini adalah keputusan yang aneh, mengingat bahwa Galaxy S ponsel memiliki port mini USB standar.



Diabetes Mellitus
    What AIDS was for the last 20 years of the 20th century, diabetes will be in the first 20 years of this century, by the world’s diabetes experts.

    Croatia has from about 170.000-190.000 patients with diabetes, while world’s statistic count about 170 million, with 18.2 million patients in the USA where diabetes is mostly growing.
    The reason for such expanding is increased average human weight, and because of that in the next 5 years, for the struggle against diabetes 13.7 billion dollar will be spent, while in the prevention the main goals will be fatness treatment and control.

    The experts estimate that the total cost of diabetes treatment in the word by the years 2025 will reach between 213 to 369 million dollar, if the predictions that the number of these kind of patients increases from current 170 to 333 million.
    More than 75% people with diabetes till the year 2025 will be living in undeveloped countries, mainly because of the urbanization and fast cultural and social changes.

    It is stunning that in some countries with large amount of people with diabetes, the influence of the illness on the economy is larger than by the AIDS.


    It is a chronically state that begins when the pancreases stops completely or partly the insulin production, or the produced insulin is not efficient in the organism. In that case the cells don’t get the food necessary for their life.

    Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreases – the key which opens the doors on cells and enables them to take over the food (glucose which organism uses as an energy source) form the blood. Glucose in the blood without insulin increases instead of going into cells. That’s why it is important to inject insulin into the organism.

THERE ARE: Type 1, Type 2, Gestational diabetes
  • Sometimes called insulin dependent type of diabetes in which it is necessary to inject insulin into the organism.
  • This type of illness develops when the immunological system stops recognizing that part of pancreases which produces and extracts insulin as a part of the body. Immunological system destroys that part of the pancreases without destroying the other parts. As a result, it creates less insulin and it slowly decreases till it finally ends. In that case insulin must be taken into with an injection.
  • It is more frequently with children and teenagers, but it can appear with adults, too.
  • It appears with frequency of about 10% from total number of patients.
Origin of type 1, diabetes is usually sudden and dramatic and it can include following symptoms:
• Frequent urination
• Extraordinary thirst and dryness of the mouth
• Outstanding tiresomeness/lack of energy
• Permanent hunger
• Sudden weight loss
• Disturbance of eyesight
• The common infections
• Scorching and numbness in the feet


    Risk factor for the type 1 of diabetes is not defined enough, but the combination of inheritance and the environment (virus infections, stress) can be predispositions for the illness development. Etiology is unclear, probably it is about self immunity.


    There isn’t a cure but there is a successful treatment. A good regulation of diabetes includes the maintenance of glucoses level that are closer to the normal values. It can be achieved with the following:
  • Healthy, balanced nutrition
  • Regular physical activity
  • Self-control of the sugar in the blood
  • Taking pills and/or insulin if needed avoiding of stressful way of living

    Inzulin is extracted by the pancreases cells in the small amount during the whole day and night. It helps that the glucose gets into the cell and feeds it. It is a protein which is assembled from the amino acids; if it would be necessary to take insulin through the mouth it would disintegrate in the stomach, so it would not enter into the blood. Therefore it must be given with injections into the subcutaneous tissue or into the blood. Insulin is given by syringes, special injections which are pen shaped.
    Two Canadians Banting and Best, in 1921 managed to isolate insulin from the pig’s pancreases, and for that won the Nobel Prize because their discovery would mean a turning point in the medical treatment of diabetes.
   The first patient was a 12-years-old boy Leonard, and with that discovery they saved his life. Until that all people with diabetes have died soon or a couple of months after the first signs of the illness.
    There are couples of basic kinds of insulin that differ towards the speed of absorb into the subcutaneous tissue after the injection, towards the time in which their effect is the strongest and towards the length activities.

There are:
  • short effectively or “clear” insulin – effects after 15 to 30 minutes
  • medium long effective or “blurred” insulin – effects after 1,5 to 2 hours
  • long effectively insulin – effects after 3 to 6 hours
There are two ways of insulin usage:
  1. the conventional therapy - twice a day in the morning and in the evening
  2. the intensive therapy - the goal is to imitate the extraction of the insulin which is for the healthy person where in the time and after a meal there is a larger extraction of the insulin.
Observation of the sick peron with diabetes
good border bad
Self-control GUK on an empty stomach after the meal 4,4 – 6,1
5,5 – 8,0
6,2 - 7,8
8,1 – 10,0
> 7,8
> 10
HbA1c (%) < 6,5 6,5 – 7,5 > 7,5
The total cholesterol (mmol/l) < 5,2
5,2 - 6,2 > 6,5
Triglicerin on an empty stomach (mmol/l) < 1,7 1,7 – 2,2 > 2,2
BMI (kg/m )

< 25
< 24

25 – 27
24 – 26

> 27
> 26
Blood pressure Individually, the lowest acceptable values
HYPERGLICHEMIA - because of irregular eating habits and consuming large amounts of food especially carbohydrates:
- because of lack of body activities
- during acute illness (virus infections, higher temperature, acute stress condition)
- because of consuming inadequate amount of drug (tablets or insulin )
- because of irregular self control and control and also because of inadequate care for the self health
  • Dry mouth and thirst
  • Continuous urination
  • Blur sight
  • Itches on skin and mucous membranes
  • Red face
  • The smell of acetone in breath
  • Lower heart beats
  • Deeper breathing
  • Conscience disorder to coma

Measure up the level of glucose in blood and in urine also the level of keton (acetone) in urine. If the hyperglycemia is mild, without keton but with high amount (concentration) of glucose in urine:
- drink larger amount of liquid (1-2 L- tea, mineral water or pure water)
- in the next meal reduce level of carbohydrate
- increase body activities (running, house gymnastics)

If the hyperglycemia is more serious, and there is keton and glucose in urine:
- drink large amount of liquid (2-3 L)
- higher the dosage of drug taken ( larger numbers of tablets or add 4 to 6 units of fast acting insulin )
- take two tablets of sodium bicarbonate with 1 L of tea, if the ketons do not disappear from urine.
- measured the level of glucose in blood every hour, glucose and ketons after every urination monitor the changes and write them down (take notes).
- if the symptoms do not disappear and the glucose in blood does not decrease, inform the doctor .

In case of acute illness (infections and higher body temperature):
    Despite lower food needs the level of glucose in blood increases so the prescribed treatment needs to be continued or even increased. If the patient already takes the maximum amount of tablets it is required to include the insulin treatment while infection (is active ).
    The insulin won’t be necessary when the acute illness is cured. If the patient is already on insulin treatment the dose needs to be increased according to glucose level in blood. There for the level of glucose needs to be measured every hour.
HYPOGLICHEMIA - Low level of glucose in blood
  • because of large amount of insulin during a long period of time between insulin injection and meal or fast resumption of insulin, because of irregular injection ( in muscular tissue or in blood vein ).
  • low amounts of food ( because of ) caused by inadequate meal or skipped meal or digestion problems. Continuous bowel movement and diarrhea.
  • increased body activity caused by activity not planned and insufficient diet with inadequate treatment.
  • because of disturbed kidney activity and large glucose loss because of constant urination or higher drug concentration in the body,
  • because of large amounts of alcohol.
  • swatting
  • faster heart beat
  • shivering
  • hunger
  • pail face
  • headache
  • conscience disorder to coma
  • fear
  • dizziness
  • inappropriate behavior
  • jawing
  • concentration and sight disorder

  • measure up the level of glucose in blood -when hypoglycemia is mild eat extra meal rich with carbohydrates (some fruit, a glass of milk or unit of bread)
  • with more serious hypoglycemia it is required immediately 2-3 candies or a spoon of sugar and eat extra meal rich with carbohydrates
  • when the hypoglycemia is a more serious the consequences are possible as is coma, and assistance is required: lay the patient on the hip and inject the glucagons which are good to move when treated with insulin.


    The diabetes is not unknown, but at the beginning of 20th century it began to be treated successfully. The Croatian diabetes union helps with encouraging ill people to interact in order to learn how to compete (live) with difficulties of this illness and to defeat them.
    Whether you are diabetic or a member of your family, or your friend you must contribute in different ways to preventing or early complication discovery.
No diabetic level
Good regulation
Bad regulation
 guk on an empty stomach
 guk pp
7,6-9,0 >9
 guk in the evening
6,0-7,5 >7,5
 HBA 1c
6,2-7,5% >7,5%
  • u mMol/L
  • NOTE: Tension to no diabetic level can be dangerous!



Signs and symptoms

Cystinuria is a cause of persistent kidney stones. It is a disorder involving the defective transepithelial transport of cystine and dibasic amino acids in the kidney and intestine, and is one of many causes of kidney stones. If not treated properly, the disorder could cause serious damage to the kidneys and surrounding organs, and in some rare cases death. The stones may be identified by a positive nitroprusside cyanide test. The crystals are usually hexagonal, translucent, white. Upon removal, the stones may be pink or yellow in color, but later they turn to greenish due to exposure to air.


Cystinuria has an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance.
Cystinuria is an autosomal recessive disorder,[1] which means that the defective gene responsible for the disorder is located on an autosome, and two copies of the defective gene (one inherited from each parent) are required in order to be born with the disorder. The parents of an individual with an autosomal recessive disorder both carry one copy of the defective gene, but usually do not experience any signs or symptoms of the disorder.


Cystinuria is caused by mutations in the SLC3A1 and SLC7A9 genes. These genes encode two parts of a transporter protein that is made primarily in the kidneys. These defects prevent proper reabsorption of basic, or positively charged, amino acids: lysine, ornithine, arginine.[2] Under normal circumstances, this protein allows certain amino acids, including cysteine, to be reabsorbed into the blood from the filtered fluid that will become urine. Mutations in either of these genes disrupt the ability of this transporter protein to reabsorb these amino acids, allowing them to become concentrated in the urine. As the levels of cystine in the urine increase, the crystals typical of cystinuria are able to form, resulting in kidney stones. Cystine crystals form hexagonal-shaped crystals that can be viewed upon microscopic analysis of the urine. The other amino acids that are not reabsorbed do not create crystals in urine. The disorder affects 1 in 10,000 people, making it the most common genetic error of amino acid transport. Cystinuria is inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern.


Cystinuria is characterized by the inadequate reabsorption of cystine in the proximal convoluted tubules after the filtering of the amino acids by the kidney's glomeruli, thus resulting in an excessive concentration of this amino acid in the urine. Cystine may precipitate out of the urine, if the urine is neutral or acidic, and form crystals or stones in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder. It is one of several inborn errors of metabolism included in the Garrod's tetrad. The disorder is attributed to deficiency in transport and metabolism of amino acids.

Clinical Features

Cystinuria is usually asymptomatic when no stone is formed. Once a stone is formed, however, the following symptoms may be present:


1. Blood: Routine hemogram along with blood sugar, urea, and creatinine.
2. Urine: For cystine crystals, and casts.
3. USG/CT scan to reveal if a stone is present.
4. Genetic analysis to determine which mutation associated with the disorder may be present. Currently genotyping is not available in the United States but might be available in Spain and Italy.


Initial treatment is with adequate hydration, alkalinization of the urine with citrate supplementation, and dietary modification to reduce salt and protein intake. If this fails then patients are usually started on chelation therapy with an agent such as penicillamine.[3][4] Once renal stones have formed, however, the first-line treatment is surgery. Both endoscopic surgery and conventional open-abdominal surgery have proven to be effective treatment modalities for patients with more advanced disease.
Jeffrey Rimer of the University of Houston suggested in October 2010 that treatment with L-cystine dimethylester could prevent the formation of these kidney stones.[5]

Occurrence in animals

This disease is known to occur in at least three mammalian species. These are: humans, domestic dogs canines, and a wild canid, the Maned Wolf of South America. Cystine uroliths have been demonstrated, most usually in male dogs, from approximately 70 breeds including the Australian cattle dog, Australian shepherd, Basenji, Basset, Bullmastiff, Chihuahua, Scottish deerhound, Scottish terrier, Staffordshire terrier and Welsh corgi; and in both male and female Newfoundland dogs